The Magic History Of Fridge Magnets

November 14, 2022

Refrigerators have been present for millennia, with ancient chilling technologies coming from ice homes placed near streams or rivers to wooden ice boxes to the electric refrigerators we know today. Magnets have also been around for ages. Although natural ones such as lodestones exist, the majority of them used today are man-made. These, of course, had numerous practical applications before the advent of the contemporary refrigerator. But one thing is certain: whoever explored that they would attach to iron or steel offered them a new and exciting use.


Magnets for the fridge were only available sometimes but now the situation is different. In reality, they are newer than most people believe. Just as the vehicle needed the earlier creation of the internal combustion engine, they required the prior invention of two technologies: inexpensive, durable ones that do not lose their strength over time and residential refrigerators.


They quickly acquired popularity among the general people all around the world. These with corporate ads were frequently distributed for free, and it was realised that they were pretty handy for keeping notifications, pictures, and artwork on the refrigerator. While they were fantastic, more colourful and intriguing designs grew increasingly popular, with individuals adorning their refrigerators with memories from all the locations they had been to.


The fridge magnet, which initially gained popularity around the middle of the twentieth century, is today’s most common magnet.  They were employed initially as a teaching tool, consisting of plastic numbers that could be placed and rearranged to assist children with fundamental spelling. These magnetic stickers were increasingly popular as a pleasant keepsake to take home as time passed. Fridges all over the world have become a symbol of how well-travelled your family or friends are.


William Zimmerman received the first trademark for refrigerator magnets in the 1970s. He patented the concept of employing miniature cartoon ones that are both ornamental and functional. However, these were already popular in the 1960s in the shape of plastic numbers and letters attached with it to the back. These magnets were frequently utilised in classrooms and households as instructional resources. By the 1990s, complete words were being employed, and the technique was dubbed “magnetic poetry” since the terms could be combined to make sentences or even poetry.


Since then, the form and shape have developed. They are now available in almost every form and size, mainly because one’s creativity only limits their decorative side. They have also grown famous as a memento and advertising materials due to their low cost of production and broad appeal. Many people find it nostalgic, recalling a time when these were incredible and scientific experiments using iron filings were mind-boggling.


These are available in almost every form, size, and colour, and the creative possibilities are endless. Photos, logos, and slogans are just some ideas of what you may use in your design. The main thing to remember is to make your material clear and accessible so that they can work to its total capacity. Furthermore, because more and more businesses are using them to advertise their business, it will most probably share refrigerator door space with other brands. As long as you maintain them intriguing and distinctive, it will get its fair amount of attention.


For some, it’s all about amassing an ever-expanding collection of crazy coloured ones from their travels. Others appreciate them more for their utility in pinning vital notes or family photographs on the fridge. Whether you like to bring up your fridge or not, custom fridge magnets are here to stay! 

Contact us to learn more about them and how they help as a marketing tool!

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