Common Mistakes to Avoid When Designing Promotional Fridge Magnets

July 31, 2024
Common Mistakes to Avoid When Designing Promotional Fridge Magnets

Promotional fridge magnets in Australia have become an effective tool for promoting businesses. Many businesses of all sizes are using promotional fridge magnets to advertise their products and services. 

However, when creating promotional fridge magnets, business owners often make some silly mistakes that affect the effectiveness of these magnets. So if you are also thinking of creating promotional fridge magnets, this blog is for you. 

In this blog, we have mentioned some common design mistakes you should avoid when creating promotional fridge magnets. By considering these mistakes, you can make effective promotional fridge magnets that ensure best results. 

Avoid These Common Mistakes When Designing Promotional Fridge Magnets in Australia

  • Not Aligning with Your Brand

Many business owners often forget about the brand identity when designing magnets. When you are designing promotional fridge magnets in Australia, you must consider your brand identity. 

This is important to ensure that your promotional fridge magnet reflects your brand voice and message clearly to the targeted audience. 

You can easily keep your promotional fridge magnets aligned with your brand. Make sure you use the same colours, fonts, and logo throughout the design process. 

Along with that, you can also consider making promotional fridge magnets in the shape of your mascot. If you do not have a brand mascot, you can consider custom shaped magnets that reflect your products or services. 

  • Cluttering with Unwanted Information

Another common mistake many business owners make is they create a cluttered design with unnecessary information. They try to include all their business details on the promotional fridge magnets. 

This makes the magnet design confusing and unappealing. Your potential customers often ignore such cluttered magnets with full of business information. 

So when you design promotional fridge magnets, make sure you only include the necessary information. Only include information that is necessary and makes sense. 

For instance, if you are designing a magnet for a local restaurant, you can not include all the dishes. You should add helpful information such as your business hours and contact details for orders and reservations. 

  • Neglecting the Functionality

Business owners often think that promotional fridge magnets are used to promote their business. They end up neglecting the functionality of fridge magnets for the recipients. Since your potential customers get many other such magnets, yours gets lost. 

You can make your promotional fridge magnets highly functional for the recipients. To do this, you should consider adding useful elements to the fridge magnets. Calendar fridge magnets and informational fridge magnets are good examples. 

By focusing on functionality, your promotional fridge magnets will stand out from the competition. Moreover, since they are more useful, the recipients will keep them in their homes for a long time. It will increase brand awareness. 

  • Using Poor Quality Magnets 

Along with the overall design, the quality of the magnets is important. But in most cases, business owners usually neglect the quality of magnets. They choose poor quality magnets for their low prices. 

The major problem with such low quality magnets is their poor durability. They can be worn out and break easily. This results in poor brand awareness and affects the effectiveness of your promotional campaign. 

This makes it super important to invest in good quality magnets. Choose magnets that will last long and keep promoting your business for a long time. At Fridge Magnets Australia, you can get the best quality fridge magnets in Australia at an affordable cost. 

  • Adding Low Quality Graphics

Nowadays, promotional fridge magnets with attractive graphics have become very popular. Business owners add images, illustrations, and other graphics to make their fridge magnets more appealing. 

But they end up using low quality graphics that lower the overall look of promotional fridge magnets. This is a major mistake when designing promotional fridge magnets. 

If you are thinking of using graphics on your promotional fridge magnets, make sure they are of high quality. You can discuss this with the manufacturer. They can suggest the right size for such graphics. 

Along with the quality, make sure you use graphics that are relevant to your business and the products or services you are promoting. 

  • Choosing the Wrong Size and Shape 

Business owners also neglect the shape and size when designing a promotional fridge magnet. They end up creating magnets with unappealing designs and bulky shapes. 

This not only affects the overall look of your magnet but also makes it difficult to carry them for distribution. So make sure you choose the right shape and size for your promotional fridge magnets. 

When choosing the size and shape of your promotional fridge magnets, you need to be very careful. Choose shapes that reflect your products for services. For instance, if you own a pizza shop, you can create a pizza-shaped fridge magnet.  

Some Frequently Asked Questions About Promotional Fridge Magnets in Australia

How long do promotional fridge magnets last?

Promotional fridge magnets can last for many years. However, the durability of fridge magnets depends on their build quality. If you choose poor quality magnets, they will get worn out and break easily. But high quality promotional fridge magnets can last for more than 10 years without any issues. 

What is the best material for a promotional fridge magnet?

You will find a variety of materials for promotional fridge magnets in Australia. High-quality plastic material is good for promotional fridge magnets. Moreover, you must look for commercial grade magnets for high durability. 

What makes a good promotional fridge magnet?

A promotional fridge magnet is considered good when it clearly communicates the brand message. Along with that, a promotional fridge magnet should also be useful for the recipient. Lastly, a good promotional fridge magnet lasts longer and prompts the business for years. 

Where can I get the best promotional fridge magnets in Australia

Fridge Magnets Australia is the one-stop shop for buying promotional fridge magnets in Australia. You will find a variety of designs with quality magnets. You can design your magnets according to your needs at the most affordable prices. 

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