Creative Ways to Customise Fridge Magnets

October 21, 2022

Do you have a ton of fridge magnets lying around from various places you’ve visited? Instead of sticking them to your refrigerator and forgetting about them, why not use them to create a custom piece of art? By default, custom refrigerator magnets are incredibly effective. Even some of the worst-designed have made it onto the fridge simply because they were functional. However, there is a lot to be said about well-designed personalised corporate ones. If your company is considering the advantages of having them, it is critical to understand how your design will affect how customers perceive your company. A well-crafted for business will not only make it to the fridge, but it will also stick there for a longer amount of time and be referred to more frequently.


They are helpful and entertaining, precisely like a great promotional product should be. Investing in personalised fridge magnets in Australia is a great marketing tactic since people spend a lot of time in the kitchen—not just for meal preparation, but also to relax, read their favourite books, and join up with other family and friends. As a result, promoting them is an easy choice for any company! These are inexpensive giveaways that any marketer may include in their promos. These are built to last and look excellent and will serve as a lasting brand memory. As magnets are inexpensive, they are suitable for start-up businesses and low-budget marketers. Follow the suggestions below to produce a design that optimises your investment in them:

Don’t go overboard!

When designing your magnet, avoid going overboard. Consider them to be a poster or banner. Do you ever try to glance at posters and billboards with a lot of information while driving along the road? Do you see everything they’re attempting to teach you on there you do? Your answer is indeed a resounding nay, ten to one. In some instances, persons being promoted may not have the chance to read the entire message if it is lengthy. As a result, a person may not even bother to read it or may become confused. The phrase “keep things simple” applies to both the words and the graphics.

Use attractive visuals.

Make sure the pictures you use are attention-grabbing and of excellent quality. Do not try to fit too much on them since it will only look cluttered and unappealing. A company’s logo should be clean, precise, and easily recognisable. Try to avoid mixing different fonts and colours, as this will only make them look messy. Consider using a colour scheme if you want to use more than one colour.

Make it interactive.

To make them more interactive, add a QR code that can be scanned by smartphones. This will take potential customers to your website or social media page, providing them with more information about your company. You could also add a scratch-off area for a discount or special offer. This will encourage people to keep them on their fridge longer as they wait to see what they’ve won.

Clarity of message

They are not intended to describe your company’s life story. Instead, they are designed to enlighten potential customers about the items or services you provide and then provide them with the details they need to reach you. They can also be utilised for marketing. Business card magnets that advertise a service, a specific product, or an event must convey a clear message. This is frequently done with more graphics than words.

Use unique shapes

Refrigerator magnets of various forms, such as a tooth, football, delivery truck, or home shape, will not only be warmly received but will also make excellent collections. These are ideal for advertising the relevant company lines and will express your story without you uttering a word!


Consequently, magnets for the fridge are a fantastic way to promote your company. They are interactive, engaging, and relatively inexpensive. There are many companies that choose to forgo these. However, those that do invest in them often reap the benefits. If designed correctly, they can be an extremely effective marketing tool. Use the tips above to create one that will make a lasting impression on potential customers! And remember, the more unique your design is, the more likely it is to be noticed and used! And if you need help getting started, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We would be happy to help you create the perfect one for your needs. 

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